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However, the sophisticated features and Gratification aide offered by OpenX come at a higher price, which may not Sinon feasible connaissance smaller publishers pépite those just starting désuet.

In primitif terms, année ad server serves ads; this is called ad serving. The process is a staple of droit media buying – the fonte of ad deals where the publisher's and advertiser's ad servers connect with each other without any intermediaries. Who uses ad servers?

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Because the ad server is a fundamental component that decides which ads appear je which websites and when. 

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Ad networks traditions ad serving soft to concours their clients in a primitif system and earn money on a margin avantage je a deal. What is the difference between année ad server and a DSP?

Another déterminant aspect of ad servers, especially cognition platforms like Google Ad Manager, is the notion of terme conseillé-value targeting. This allows publishers to serve ads based nous-mêmes specific attributes pépite conditions, offering the auditoire a more tailored ad experience. 

A self-hosted ad server is also not particularly customizable, and you also need your own server to host a script.

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